Sunday, May 23, 2010


I posted a poll earlier in the week, asking each of you to vote for my next cake pop. Your choices were Super Mario Bros, Pooh and Piglet, or Care Bears, and the winner was:
I am a product of the 80's, and because of that, one of my favorite childhood memories are of
the Care Bears!!!!
I have probably 6 or 7 of these lil guys in stuffed animal form to this day and the kid in me still loves to watch the Care Bear Movie!
Grumpy Bear, Good Luck Bear, Cheer Bear, Friend Bear and Funshine Bear!
Bask in their Awesomeness! lol!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley! These are just adorable. I am going to want to order some of these for my daughter. She was an '80's baby too and she loved Care Bears. Her name is Kara and we always called her Kare Bear or Kara Beara :)She is currently in Japan where her husband is stationed in the Air Force. She will be home the end of this month and this will just be the most fun suprise for her. Can you tell me how much for 1 or 2 doz of these? Ibou can tell me at work if you like :)
