Dear sweet readers, it has been a long time since I last posted. I'm soooo sorry for this! I went out of town the 3rd through the 8th and had a wonderful time. I'm sorry to say that Gatlinburg had absolutely nothing to offer as far as bakeries go. I didn't find a single one. I found one donut shop and plenty of chocolate goodies, but no cakes, let alone a cake pop. No one knew what that even was down there! Shame. :)
I know I promised that I would get the winner of the poll posted (TMNT) when I got back, but I have not had a chance to even work on them yet. The minute I got back, I got a rush of orders due right away.
So, since I've been back, I have worked on 3 dozen "naughty" pops (ask me for a picture if you'd like to see what I'm talking about), 13 dozen variety pops for Ambassador Health Systems (ladybugs, bumble bees, flowers, butterflies, dragon flies and their new logo), and a 3-tier cake for the debut of their new logo at their Grand Opening of the Pediatric Unit.
I did not take pictures of the 13 dozen cake pops, as you have seen the characters before, but, I did take plenty of pictures of the cake I made for them b/c I was so excited about it. I've never done a 3-tier cake before and I had fun making it!
So, here are the pictures!

I thought the cake turned out pretty cute, and pretty much how I wanted it to look. I just hope that they think the same way. :)
Plus, working on this cake was great practice for the cake I get to make next weekend! Stay tuned to find out!
Pictures of the TMNT will be up by this weekend. Sorry for the delay!
You all are amazing :)
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