I love making fun cakes. And anytime I get to use my skills to work with fondant, I get even more excited. I've never taking any classes and anything I do is self-taught through watching how-to videos on you tube to just practicing and playing around.
That being said, these two cakes I was asked to make are the first cakes I have ever made that are entirely covered with fondant. This was not easy and I think I figured out now how to do it better for next time!
I was asked to make these cakes for twin girls who were having a pizza party! The mom wanted the cakes to also look like individual pizzas. These were ALOT of fun to make. I am a big person for using only edible things on my cakes, cake pops and cupcakes and I will go to great lengths to make sure everything is edible if I can. So my first thought was....
What kind of candy can I use on these cakes that will be edible, but also realistic?

Once I covered the cake in fondant, I used a sponge and patted on watered down brown food coloring to make the crust look. I then dyed buttercream frosting red for the "sauce". For "cheese" I grated up white almond bark.

Each girl wanted their own kind of pizza. For Rosie, she got a lemon cake with lemon curd butter cream and a cake that looked like a pepperoni pizza. Lily wanted a veggie pizza that tasted like chocolate cake that I paired with cookies and cream frosting.

The "veggie" pizza had green and black gumdrops that were rolled out to make green bell peppers and black olives. Red and Yellow starbursts were rolled out and cut up to make chopped red and yellow bell peppers, and then mini marshmallows were used to make button mushrooms using brown food coloring painted on for details.

The "pepperoni" pizza had all the same toppings as the veggie with out the red and yellow peppers, but also had to have pepperonis as well. I made those out of melted red candy melt that I sprinkled brown grated candy melt and swirled around into the red with a toothpick. I did this using my mini muffin pan. I then stuck it in the freezer to harden up and flipped them out and put them on the pizza.

Then I wanted each girl to know which pizza was theirs in the respective boxes so I made labels that kind of looked like restaurant labels. they loved it so much that one twin jumped up and down so hard she fell! I love seeing the reactions in person!